Logistics Packing and Storage

Among many services we provide freight and logistics services to our clients.
To speedup the process we have a reliable network of forwarders to assist with your goods from worldwide.
We provide competitive rates and services from various destination of Maldives and vice versa.

For information and services email:

WHAT WE PROVIDE IN Logistics Packing and Storage


We provide logistics services to various sectors. To meet the demand we maintain reliable bodies to handle any operation which requires labour and materials as needed.
In logistics our fields and clients are:

  • Ships of war
  • Telecommunication companies
  • Foreign employees with personnel effects
  • Construction companies
  • Packing

    We take extreme care and we provide complete solution. To maintain safety of the goods which we pack we have materials imported to provide an excellent services.
    We provide packing of:

  • Glass wares
  • Ceramic wears
  • Electric and electronic items
  • Cutlery
  • Furniture and wooden items
  • Computer equipments
  • Garments
  • Food items

  • Storage

    We provide storage facilities mainly for export personnel effects. Storing in the capital Male' is a challenge at times though we store the goods in safety as long as its required.